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Sign up for Joobzz and relax. Your dream job is on its way!

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Many more employers are waiting for you from January 2024! Register now for free!

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Topas Personal



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Mavex SA


CarePartner GmbH


Mago Swiss AG


Malfix GmbH


Medi Worker GmbH




Amedis UE

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mh personal

Benefits for candidates

Easily create your profile and allow recruiters to contact you with offers that match your knowledge, experience and skills.

No more exhausting resume submissions

Instead of spending time researching hiring companies, submitting your resume and lengthy online applications, you will be contacted directly by companies which offer you exactly the job you want.

No more annoying motivation letters

There is no need to write motivational letters, because now companies are making the first step and reaching out to you. So, say goodbye to tedious motivation letters and let your skills and experience speak for themselves.

Get your market value assessed

Even if you are not actively looking for a job, Joobzz will help you estimate how much you should be earning based on your job title, years of experience and skills. Figure out your worth and get the income you want.

Get found anonymously by companies

We offer the option to set your profile to anonymous mode. Therefore your personal data will only be visible to recruiters after you accept their request to connect. This will make sure you have a full control over your interactions.

How do we make it happen?

Sign-up and fill in your profile with the relevant data. It will take no more than 15 minutes of your time. After that, Joobzz does the rest!

  • Sign up

    Visit or download the joobzz mobile app and create your candidate account within two minutes.

  • Create your resume

    Enter all the necessary data and your resume will be automatically created! We will guide you through the process to make it as smooth as possible.

  • Let the job find you

    Now you are ready for a new challenge! Job offers are on their way and you are the one controlling every contact request.

Times have changed, therefore the job search process has changed. Joobzz keeps up with the pace and we do it together with you!

Benefits for companies

Joobzz has many benefits not only for candidates but for companies as well. We will help you find the right candidates easily, quicky and completely free of charge.

Easy candidate access

Don't just wait for someone to apply for your job post. Reach out to candidates directly and make an offer. Based on our advanced filters, we make sure you find the right candidates in no time!

Free of charge

Bypass paying job advertising websites and employment agencies. With Joobzz, your seach for employees doesn't have to be expensive.

Daily alerts

If set, you will receive a (at the moment a is twice) daily e-mail with newly registered candidates for the position you are currently recruiting for.

Easy contact

After filtering out the large candidates database, starting a conversation is only a few clicks away. Start with a request for contact and as soon as it gets approved you will be able to send the right candidate a message through Joobzz.

How we make it happen

Joobzz wants to make it easy not only for candidates but for companies as well. In a few clicks you are in business!

  • Sign up

    Visit or download the joobzz mobile app and create your company account within two minutes.

  • Create your profile

    In order to rule out fraudulent information and to protect the candidates, we have to verify the provided company information. Once you pass, you will receive the approval in 24 hours.

  • Get ready to find candidates

    You are all set, the search begins now!

There has never been an easier and faster way to get the candidates you really need. Joobzz helps you save time and energy. Let's hire!

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