Joobzz FAQ

Why Joobzz and not apply classically?

We are all very busy and try to give life a higher meaning. In the past, work came before life and "work life balance" was just smiled at. It seems that the Corona Pandemic has opened many people's eyes to what is essential in life, and we want to use our time left in life for better things. Instead of spending hours searching and applying for jobs, which often result in rejection, we had the idea of letting ourselves be found. Just enter all your data on Joobzz, upload documents and then wait until someone is interested in your profile. This way we save you and the recruiters a lot of time and effort.

How fast can I get a new job with Joobzz?

We all know that the job search takes time. For this reason, we advise you to be patient after opening your profile. The job search depends on many factors. How high is the demand for your profile in the job market, your experience, and your requirements. We at Joobzz promise to do everything we can to get as many recruiters as possible interested in this portal so that you get the right offers quickly. Our success is when you succeed!

What is a Free Plan?

Free Plan is a free way to list your profile on Joobzz. However, the functions are very limited. Your profile will be displayed anonymously to the people who are responsible for recruiting. Even you as a candidate cannot see the details of the company. The data can only be fully displayed and shared after upgrading from the Free plan to Premium.

What is Premium Plan?

With Premium Plan you have full access to our services. This means that recruiters can find you and contact you. In addition, you always have the option to decline the contact requests and thus not share your data.

How do I create a new profile?

On the top right of the home page, you will find the "Register" button. Then follow the instructions provided by Joobzz. We have made it as simple as possible.

Confirmation email has not arrived.

Depending on your settings, you may find the Joobzz email in your spam folder. If you find it there, you can classify the sender as safe. So, in the future emails from Joobzz should appear normally in your inbox.

What is profile open or anonymous?

With an open profile, all recruiters can view your data without your permission. You will be informed on each view who was interested in your dossier and when. This is especially suitable for people who do not want to hide their job search. While the anonymous mode is especially suitable for people who are still employed and do not want to make public their intention to find a new job.

What is not displayed in an anonymized profile?

To anonymize your identity, Joobzz hides the following fields: Full personal profile (name, address, etc.), name and years of former employers and all uploaded documents. This is to prevent, for example, your current employer from finding out that you are looking for a new job.

Can other candidates see my profile?

No. Candidates cannot view profiles of other candidates.

Can I see who is sending me requests?

Yes, you can always view all requests individually in your dashboard. There you will find the information about who (name recruiter, company, phone number and email) has requested you and the time. So, it also makes sense that if you are interested in this company, you contact the recruiter after a certain time.

What languages are available on Joobzz?

Currently German, French, and English are fully available. There are plans to add more in the future, such as Italian.

Is my data shared with other companies?

No, your data is yours alone. You provide it only during the time you use Joobzz. Once you delete your account, all data except your ID number will be deleted without exception.

What happens if I set my account to inactive?

Your profile will go to sleep, so to speak. All data will remain but will no longer be displayed to recruiters. This is especially useful in cases when you have found a job but want to keep your profile for "later". So, you save time in the future because you don't have to open the profile again and enter everything. It is important that in this case you cancel the Premium Account after you have found a new job. We don't want you to pay unnecessarily.

What happens with my data after deleting my profile?

Privacy is very important to us, and we want to do everything we can to protect your privacy. All data except the account number will be irretrievably deleted. This means that when you register again, you will have to re-enter all your data, as we delete all data that could identify you, as described above.

What to do when I receive a new credit card?

In our dashboard you can easily change the data of your credit card so that your premium account continues to run undisturbed.

How can I pay for the Premium Account?

All major credit cards are accepted. Please make sure that your credit card has sufficient funds and is valid.

How much will the Premium Account cost me?

You can find the current costs on our homepage under Plan. With a 12-month subscription, the costs per month are significantly lower.

I have purchased an annual subscription and have found a job.

Unfortunately, no refunds will be made if you find a new job within the yearly subscription. Your account will remain active as long as you have paid.

How do I reset my password?

If you forgot your password, click on Login (top right main page) and select "Recover password". Then follow the instructions you receive from Joobzz.

Can I change my email?

No, your email address is your ID. You can always contact and we will change it for you.

Where can I find the Joobzz APP?

You can find the free Joobzz APP in the Apple Store or Google Play.

How do I get notifications (push) on my cell phone?

It is best to enable push notifications during the installation process, otherwise you can set it up later in the device settings to be notified when a recruiter is interested in your dossier. When push notifications are enabled, you can decide to share or reject immediately after receiving them in the APP.

How do I change the message settings in the Joobzz Portal?

Go to the Joobzz Dashboard and select the menu item "Settings". There you can change the settings.

How do I change my address and other data?

Everything except the email address can be changed at any time in the dashboard.

What to do if I have any questions while filling the profile?

Contact if you are not sure. We will be happy to help you fill out your profile as well as possible to increase your chances of finding a job. Please keep in mind that it is not possible for us to fill in all the data for you.

How do I reach customer service?

You can reach us around the clock at . For non-critical (in the technical sense) inquiries, we can be reached during normal office hours from Monday to Friday. We will do our best to give you an answer within 24 hours of receiving your message. For critical, technical requests, we will certainly take care of it sooner.

Can I give feedback to Joobzz?

That is even welcome! For us, standing still is a step backwards. In order to increase the benefit for candidates as well as companies, we obviously have to listen to the user's voices and take them seriously. Especially if you see that job titles, IT tools etc. are missing. We will then add these immediately. For this reason, we also rely on feedback from your side. So, please share your thoughts with us at

Is Joobzz a Swiss company?

YES! We are a Swiss company with the idea to revolutionize the job market.